Friday, October 12, 2012

Columbus Day

The music teacher today reminded the kindergarten class that even though today is the birthday of Christopher Columbus, we celebrated his life earlier in the week, on Monday. That was a holiday for many people but a half-day of school for them. Curious about what the children knew of the explorer, she asked them, "What is Columbus Day?"

"It's a short day," said one student, "and we don't have a lot of time to do our work."

She then gave the children some brief details on the life of Columbus, including the background on his trans-Atlantic voyage and fortuitous discovery of America. Upon completion of her narrative, one student raised his hand. "Wait," he asked, "he was a real person?"   

As part of the day's program, the music teacher taught the children a charming song about Columbus, with a sing-along refrain about "the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria." 

She also prepared a lesson that combined a song about the season with a simple dance step. Before beginning, and as a hint for that choreography, she asked the children what we do with the fallen leaves. "Call the lawn service," suggested one boy. "Get the blowers out," said a classmate. So much for the dance routine that would mimic the act of raking.

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