Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Overstaying Their Welcome (Revised)

The expiration date on the following has long since passed

                MLB's experiment for extra innings
                The  song "Centerfield" at a baseball game
                "Cotton-eyed Joe" at Yankee Stadium
                Baseball caps with business attire
                An over-romanticized view of baseball
                Baseball by the book
                Sideline "reporters"
                College basketball TV directors who cut away from live action to show the crowd
                Bill Raftery's catch phrases
                References to college basketball players' length
                The paint area (also known as "the paint")
                References to college basketball's "deck" and "tin"
                "Are you kidding me?" and "Are you serious?"
                Sit-coms (except for FOX "News")
                Fabricated news
                Fabricated first names with apostrophes
                The NBA Dunk Contest
                The NBA All-Star game
                Late-night-TV news banter
                Thought leaders
                The Grammys
                Participation trophies
                Non-horticultural use of "landscape"
                Sponsored content
                Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan
                The Pro Bowl
                Pro bowlers
                Jargon-addled sports broadcasters
                Super Bowl half-time extravaganzas
                Super Bowl commercials
                Attention devoted to Super Bowl commercials
                Media coverage of Super Bowl commercials
                The Super Bowl
                Rex Ryan
                Roger Goodell
                TV media "critics"
                Steve Carell
                Steve Bannon
                "Star Wars" plot lines
                The Tea Party
                Anything non-dangerous that is said to be "under the radar"
                Don Imus
                "Iconic" anything
                Nicolas Cage
                Alternate facts
                Alternate spellings of common first names
                The alt-right
                Kellyanne Conway
                Al Sharpton
                The DH
                Exhortations to clap at sporting events
                Coaches who think they invented the game
                Sean Hannity
                Sean Spicer
                Sean Penn
                Penn and Teller 
                The "William Tell" overture at sporting events
                Pre-game shows
                Overhead hand clapping
                Jeff Sessions
                Half-time shows
                Radio commercials that repeat a phone number three times
                Betsy DeVos
                Action movies where the men never shave but remain clean-shaven
                Owners of unleashed dogs
                Mike Francesa
                Undisciplined children at public events
                Bud Light commercials
                Bill Maher
                "American Idol"
                Howard Stern
                Conversationalists who finish the ends of my sentences
                Ben Stiller
                John Feinstein
                Apostrophes in simple plural words
                Celine Dion
                Systemic anything
                Thomas Kinkaid paintings
                Tracy Morgan
                Air-guitar-playing adults
                High-fives (and high-tens) shared by adult spectators
                Primal screams by athletes after a dramatic moment
                Teased hair
                Cotton candy
                Saltwater taffy
                The use of "incredible" and "incredibly" as modifiers.
                Men's shirt tails sticking out from under sweaters
                Groomed stubble
                Julianne Moore
                The World Series of Poker
                "Going forward…"
                LeRoy Neiman
                Pedestrian buttons on traffic lights
                Mariah Carey
                Mariah Carey wannabes
                Howie Mandel
                Whoopi Goldberg
                George Lopez
                Pitch-by-pitch replays
                Exploding logos
                Capital One commercials
                Heaven-pointing athletes
                Tip jars
                The red carpet
                McDonald’s commercials
                Anything that takes you to the next level
                Quentin Tarantino
                Geico cavemen
                TV time-outs
                Soup spoons
                People who use the word "systemic"
                Professional writers  who use "disinterested" when they mean "uninterested"
                Crewcuts on women
                Mohawks on anyone but Mohawks
                Whispery-voiced spokespersons
                Dr. Seuss
                Phil Jackson
                Samuel L. Jackson
                Drivers who cut in on highway exit lanes
                Scheduled play dates
                "Feel-good" stories
                Small talk
                Game changers
                Matthew McConaughey
                Prescribed reading lists  
                Cameron Crazies
                Damian Lewis
                Any non-genetic reference to DNA
                Lite beer
                Happy-talk TV news
                Chest bumping
                "I was like..."
                Drum solos
                People who use "impact" instead of "affect" as a verb
                James Cameron
                Wanda Sykes
                National anthem balladeers
                Fedoras worn by anyone under the age of 80
                Jimmy Fallon
                Camp (both kinds)
                Happy campers
                Nicole Kidman
                Chit-chatting librarians
                Bruce Willis and Harrison Ford as action heroes
                Solemn postgame interviews with losing coaches
                Bottled water
                Canned laughter
                Laugh tracks
                Jim Gray
                Pete Rose
                "I mean..."
                Charlie Sheen
                Mock drafts
                Demographics that count "eyeballs"
                Those obsessed with Princess Di
                Elvis fanatics
                "Hot-button" issues
                Grown men who refer to anyone as "dawg"
                The Wave
                Soccer moms and soccer dads
                Chest-thumping athletes
                Monochromatic attire
                Leaf blowers
                Sportswriters who refer to athletes as courageous
                Mike Pence
                 Donald Trump